Chandramathi MuthurajInstalling Nginx on Windows — A Step-by-Step GuideAre you looking to set up Nginx on your Windows machine for web development or testing purposes?Oct 12, 20231Oct 12, 20231
Mohammad FaisalUsing n8n with Docker ComposeHow to use your automation tool for free!Feb 18, 2024Feb 18, 2024
The kube guyLoad balancer Vs Ingress — Why do we need both for same work?When managing traffic to your applications, two common terms you’ll encounter in the world of Kubernetes and cloud services are Load…May 17, 2024May 17, 2024
InTowards DevbyDilli Babu KadatiSay Goodbye to .env FilesSay goodbye to .env files and unlock the secret to secure secrets management. Discover the game-changing alternative that will…Jul 1, 202316Jul 1, 202316
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NetShop ISPHow To Extend LVM Disk on Linux Ubuntu 20.04In this tutorial, we will show you how to extend an LVM disk on your Ubuntu 20.04 Server. Resizing disks is a common yet challenging task…Oct 26, 2021Oct 26, 2021
Akshay BobadeBackup and Restore Your Kubernetes resources and persistent volumes Using VeleroWhat is Velero?Jul 29, 20212Jul 29, 20212
InITNEXTbySandeep MangalathVelero backup/restore for K8s Stateful Applications managed by OperatorsVelero is a backup and restore tool for Kubernetes, the most widely adopted and used container orchestrator. Kubernetes has evolved as a…Apr 27, 20201Apr 27, 20201
Joshua RobinsonStorage Benchmarking with Fio in KubernetesBenchmarking helps to build an understanding of your underlying infrastructure and validate correctly configured environments. Though never…Jun 4, 20201Jun 4, 20201
Ripon BanikEFS as StorageClass for EKS/K8s ClusterShared storage for your podAug 5, 20201Aug 5, 20201
InGeek CulturebyUtkarsha BakshiHow to Upload File to Google Drive from Linux Command LineUsing a command line tool could be useful while uploading large files to Google Drive. In this short post, I will walk you through the…Dec 26, 20219Dec 26, 20219
InLevel Up CodingbyJohn H PattonHigh Volume Incoming ConnectionsLinux Kernel Tuning for High Performance Networking SeriesJan 21, 20202Jan 21, 20202
Cameron SparrIncrease OS UDP Buffers to Improve PerformanceLinux places very restrictive limits on the performance of UDP protocols by limiting the size of the UDP traffic that is allowed to buffer…Aug 2, 20161Aug 2, 20161
RinseodamNotification: argoCD to SlackWith argoCD Notifications, we can continuously monitor CD pipeline. And with slack, team members can check the status of CD pipeline…Sep 17, 20211Sep 17, 20211
InÆnixbyAndrei KvapilConfiguring routing for MetalLB in L2 modeIn this article I will show you how to configure source-based and policy-based routing for the external network on your cluster.May 14, 20202May 14, 20202
InJavan Cipta SolusibyDicky Puja PratamaTutorial Membuat BOT Gitlab dan Telegram Menggunakan IntegromatHalo guys, pertama dan langsung saja, saya akan mengajukan pertanyaan untuk anda:Aug 18, 2020Aug 18, 2020
InDevOps.devbyArnav TripathyLeveraging Loki to Proactively Monitor MicroservicesLoki is a widely used tool for monitoring pods and containers. Loki is actually just the aggregator as the logs are pushed to grafana and…May 18, 2022May 18, 2022
InprastamahabyPrasta MahaOpenstack Soft Delete InstancesMengaktifkan soft delete instance pada openstackNov 22, 2020Nov 22, 2020